Health, Healing and Spirituality Volume II

Track 1: Health, Healing and Spiritual Energy
Why do most people put off decisions that affect their health? Identify the healing tools within you. Cleansing our clogged bodies and blocks to healing.

Track 2: Introducing Meditation
Setting up your body and the meditation zone. Protecting our body; an invocation.

Track 3: Introduction To Chakras, The Energy Centers In Your Body
Where are the chakras and what do they do? Why are the colors of the rainbow important? Vulnerability: how it can be a good thing.

Track 4: A Chakra Meditation

Track 5: Centering
Aspiring physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Locating and accessing your inner being. Messages, visions you receive while centering.

Track 6: A Centering Exercise

Track 7: Balance
Why balance is important in your life. Your inner and outer bodies. The balance wheel. The eight sides of the octagon. Revealing your imbalances.

Track 8: A Balancing Exercise Using Your Own Balance Wheel

Track 9: Terminal Illness
Forgetting what health is. How thoughts of sickness take over the rational mind. The natural state of being is healthy. The inner knowing that health is possible. Giving yourself tickets. How your mind can create illness.

Track 10: An Advanced Centering Exercise To Assist Your Journey To A More Vibrant State Of Health

Track 11: Family Tension
Why you can forgive a stranger more easily than family members. Using forgiveness to heal. Engaging your senses to complete holistic forgiveness.

Track 12: A Family Healing Exercise

Track 13: Job Problems
How to enjoy your work more. Life after work. Work equals service and service equals joy. Your light to the world. What are you working for? Giving back to the community.

Track 14: Centering And Meditation To Release Job Problems

Track 15: Self Worth
Being meticulous about the way you refer to yourself. Putting everyone else on a pedestal. Your underlying thoughts. Practicing who you are. Triggers and self-conscious recordings.

Track 16: Self Worth Meditation And Closing Remarks